Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hail Canada

Hail, Canada!

Monday, June 30

This morning when we crossed the border, the Canadian customs guy asked the usual questions, one of them being, Are you bringing any large amounts of cash into the country? He probably didn’t know why we laughed, but we found Canadian gas prices drained cash quickly. The weather was good, allowing us views of the St. Elias part of the Wrangell-St. Elias U.S./Canadian Park. We did this stretch four years ago, and it was refreshing to not have to do it in smoke-reducing visibility. What was the same, however, was the terrible road conditions from the border to Burwash Landing. The road was a checker board of gravel and asphalt with pot holes thrown in for good measure. It’s also the part of our travels where you plan well for your gas stops.

Other than the views, the hightligh of the day was Mukluk Annie’s. The initial attraction of their ad was “free,” free camping, free boat ride, free RV wash. Their ad also had at the top “Jesus Is Lord.” With it being free and Christ-centered it was a natural stop. We had a beautiful view of Teslin Lake and our dinner of smoked salmon and ribs cooked on a wood stove in the center of the restaurant with a hole in the roof for the vent. We both like to eat, and eating at unique places like Mukluk Annie’s is one of the high points of the trip. When you come over, we’ll show you the unique/classy Mukluk Annie coffee mugs we bought. The free boat trip is captained by Mukluk Chuck!. We’d been riding all day and instead of riding on the boat, had wine, cigar (Gary), and skeeters on the camper porch. Gary’s carefully positioned cigar kept the skeeters of Mickey while she did her Sudoku and crossword puzzle.

Stats: 411.6 miles; 37.1 gal; 11.1 mpg; 50 mph

Tuesday, July 1

Couldn’t sleep, so went for a 5:50 a.m. road show with coffee and glazed donut for a kick start. No traffic at first and good road made it easy. Throughout the day, however, a whole lot of RV’s – big ones – headed north. Stopped in Watson Lake and had another picture taken for JP’s at the Signpost Forest. Mickey made bacon, eggs and pancakes. Gary got on line to check email. Dishes were even done before we headed out of Watson Lake. Our mid-day goal was Liard Hot Springs, which we met at 12:45. On our way to the hot springs, we were in woodland buffalo country when Mickey (who was driving) thought she spotted some. The buffalo turned out to be a large brown/grizzly bear with her two cubs, right on the side of the road. She woke up Gary and hollered, “grizzlies!” It was fun watching them eat and play while we clicked away.

The 120F degree hot spring water at Liard Hot Springs was just the cure for stiff necks and lower backs. It stinks a little bit, but we still came out smelling better. There was a boy about 8 or 9 who was the spittin’ image of Mitchiel deBoer at that same age. He had red hair, fair skin with freckles on his face and mannerisms that screamed “Mitchiel!!” Sorry to say, we didn’t have a camera or we would have taken his picture! Brought back lots of memories! This was definitely critter day! We saw a moose, black bear, several buffalo, two eagles, stone sheep, grizzly family and a dead moose long the side of the road that stunk to high heaven! Mickey saw one more black bear on the side of the highway which would have been fun to watch and capture on “film” but as usual Gary was going too fast! Ugh! We are now settled into another parking lot in Fort Nelson, at the Blue Bell Inn & RV. At least it has internet! Still no phone service, though. It has been a long day. We are about to sit down to steak, rice (with mushrooms, garlic and onions that Mickey added) and baked beans…with wine, of course. It’s finally hot here…84 degrees! We might even use the air conditioner tonight!

Stats: 501 miles; 46.1 gal; 10.9 mpg; 52 mph

1 comment:

Lana Mae Kamer said...

Thanks so much for doing this blog. It's great. I've loved looking at the fabulous photos and reading your accounts. I wish you could make vacationing your full-time job!We would expect a daily report...